Your logo is the first impression you leave on your customers.

It is crucial that this impression is memorable and faithfully reflects the essence of your brand.

My services include

Logo design

I create unique and impactful logos that capture your company’s identity and set it apart from the competition. Each logo is designed to be timeless, versatile, and easily recognizable.

Visual identity design

A coherent visual identity strengthens your brand recognition. I develop color palettes, typographies, and graphic elements that together define a harmonious and professional brand image.

Style guide

I provide a comprehensive brand guide that details the correct usage of your logo, colors, typography, and other visual elements. This ensures consistent application of your visual identity across all your communication materials.

My process for creating your Logo and/or Visual Identity

Creating a logo and visual identity requires a methodical and collaborative approach to ensure results that perfectly reflect the essence of your brand. Here’s how I turn your ideas into reality:

1. Initial Consultation

The first step is to understand your business, your values, your goals, and your target audience. We will discuss your design preferences, inspirations, and what you want to convey through your logo and visual identity.

2. Research and Analysis

I conduct thorough research on your industry and competitors to identify trends and opportunities for differentiation. This analysis ensures that your visual identity will be both relevant and unique.

3. Concept Development

Based on our discussions and research, I develop several initial concepts. These concepts include logo sketches, color palettes, and typography suggestions. I present these ideas to you to gather your feedback and refine the creative direction.

4. Design Development

Once the concept is approved, I start working on the detailed designs. This includes creating the final logo, defining color palettes, selecting typography, and developing additional graphic elements. Each element is designed to be coherent and complementary.

5. Revisions and Adjustments

I present the detailed designs to you, and we work together to refine and adjust the elements based on your feedback. My goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction with the final result.

6. Delivery of Final Files

Once the design is approved, I prepare and deliver all the necessary files to you. This includes versions of the logo in various formats (vector and bitmap), a comprehensive style guide detailing the correct usage of each visual element, and any other relevant materials.

7. Follow-up and Support

My commitment to your project doesn’t end with the delivery of the files. I remain available to answer your questions, provide additional advice, and help you correctly apply your new visual identity across all your communication materials.

This collaborative and structured process ensures that the logo and visual identity created are not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with your business objectives and capable of enhancing your brand recognition.